
I’m Bhargavi Varanasi. I have a Master’s degree in Computer Science and work as a Test lead in the Bay Area, CA. Painting is my passion, I’m also interested in traveling, cooking, meeting new people, binge-watching series/movies, reading books, and do charity work.

My passion for painting started at a very young age. Exploring various colors and creating unique patterns was very a magical experience to me as a kid. I used to feel a special connection with the colors, as if they were talking to me, requesting me to mix them to create various paintings. I was young and could not really understand this feeling but followed my senses to create something unique every day.
Overtime, I realized that I was connected to this emotionally and that it gives me immense pleasure. If you are connected to something at this level, even long hours, tough designs appear to be easy.

I was always inspired by the friends or strangers and their artwork. I started my journey by trying to replicate my friends/teacher’s paintings. However, I quickly realized that although we started off with a specific painting to replicate, my end product was very different and unique. My friends and family were surprised and impressed 😊

I’m inspired by the famous quote from Picasso “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” I hope you enjoy my art and it touches your souls 😊 simple site software